Holistic Horseworks Talks with April Love
Introducing the Holistic Horseworks Talks podcast! Hosted by April Love, the founder of Holistic Horseworks, this podcast offers valuable insight and solutions to those "little issues" that are often encountered with equine companions.
With her wealth of knowledge and decades of experience in working with them, April offers a unique perspective on horse health and well-being. Through this podcast, she answers listener questions and shares real-life stories that resonate with horse owners everywhere.
In a world where horses face so many challenges in their daily lives, and the "good ol' ways" just aren't cutting it anymore, this podcast brings fresh content to listeners, providing them with innovative approaches and techniques to address the challenges of today's modern horses.
This podcast explores a variety of topics, including horse bodywork, natural remedies, emotional wellness, and the importance of understanding the horse as a whole, sentient being. April Love's dedication to promoting not only horse health but also a harmonious bond between horse and rider shines through as she offers practical advice and insightful guidance. Her authentic and compassionate approach, combined with her expertise in holistic horse care, provides a platform for horse owners to explore new horizons and find effective solutions to enhance their horse's overall well-being.
Whether you're dealing with mysterious lameness, behavioral and training issues, issues, saddle fit, hoof balance, or high vet bills, the Holistic Horseworks Talks podcast is an invaluable resource for horse owners everywhere.
Tune in to embark on a journey of discovery, learning, and empowerment as you navigate the world of holistic horse care. Let April Love's wisdom and stories guide you toward a deeper understanding of your horse's unique health needs and a more fulfilling partnership with your equine companion.
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Holistic Horseworks Talks with April Love
Horses Grieve Too. How To Help Them
In this episode of Holistic Horseworks Talks, April offers guidance on helping your horse cope with the loss of a pasture mate. A horse's herd is their family, and the absence of a companion can be deeply distressing.
While it's natural to want to replace the lost companion immediately, April suggests giving your horse space to grieve and process their emotions. Here are some ways to support your horse through this emotional time.
Dynamite Relax: https://tinyurl.com/3sh64art
Dynamite Tranquil: https://tinyurl.com/mprzhkyv
"The Emotion Code" by Bradley Nelson: https://amzn.to/3R0YOOf
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Thanks for listening!
Hi, this is.
Lillie and I'm here with April Love.
I was wondering if they have any advice for a horse that's grieving.
She was really close to a pasture mate that had to get put down because he was well into his 30s and now she doesn't want to do anything.
She just kind of hangs.
Her head and
Stands in the corner.
00:00:50 April
That is so hard on them because you know their herd is their family.
So there's some things that you can do.
You know, everyone's like, oh, you got to get another horse or a goat or something.
But you know, they're doing their whole grieving process.
And in my courses that I teach.
We use Dr.
Bradley Nelson's Emotion Code and you can look them up online. They have, I think, e-books and paper books on
Amazon. It's really good to
do yourself and your horse because the horses take on our emotions as well.
Also, there's a couple products by Dynamite: Relax, and Tranquil that you can spray on their grain or in their mouth every day to help them process it.
And the memory center you know, is the poll, right behind their ears and their heart chakra.
So you can put some of that on your hand,
and right on the front of their chest, where their heart chakra is.
You can kind of hold it there.
You can do a connection with one hand over the withers and one hand on the chest and just sending love, you know.
These horses, they live together 24 hours a day and that loss is just terrible. So on my horses, I'd probably do. I'd muscle test, would Relax work better or Tranquil work better.
And I'd muscle test how many sprays you can put that on, just like a handful of grain and feed it in a pan.
And talk to him and pet him and clear trapped emotions.
Doing bladder sweeps is really good for the horse with your very, very light hand just starting below the eye kind of going up over through the eye, through the ear, right under the mane, both hands along the longissimus muscle on each side of the spine.
And back over to bladder 67 on.
The hoof and
Doing that like 5 to 10 times on each side, it's just very soothing and grounding and then time with them and.
Talk to them while you're feeding them the Relaxe or Tranquil that they muscle test for, and you can e-mail me about it.
There's also another animal communicator, Marta Williams that you can look up.
She's an actual animal communicator.
She might suggest some other herbs or stuff that can help the horse process.
But just like if your best friend died, you know that you lived with and shared a room with.
You know, you just miss them.
So you're gonna have to give them other things to entertain them.
Take them out for a walk.
Get them together with other horses just to help that whole grieving process.
So I recommend the.
Relax and the Tranquil by Dynamite and Doctor Bradley Nelson, Emotion Code and e-mail me if you need any help. April at holistichorseworks.com and the YouTube channel is Holistic Horseworks. See you there.