Holistic Horseworks Talks with April Love
Introducing the Holistic Horseworks Talks podcast! Hosted by April Love, the founder of Holistic Horseworks, this podcast offers valuable insight and solutions to those "little issues" that are often encountered with equine companions.
With her wealth of knowledge and decades of experience in working with them, April offers a unique perspective on horse health and well-being. Through this podcast, she answers listener questions and shares real-life stories that resonate with horse owners everywhere.
In a world where horses face so many challenges in their daily lives, and the "good ol' ways" just aren't cutting it anymore, this podcast brings fresh content to listeners, providing them with innovative approaches and techniques to address the challenges of today's modern horses.
This podcast explores a variety of topics, including horse bodywork, natural remedies, emotional wellness, and the importance of understanding the horse as a whole, sentient being. April Love's dedication to promoting not only horse health but also a harmonious bond between horse and rider shines through as she offers practical advice and insightful guidance. Her authentic and compassionate approach, combined with her expertise in holistic horse care, provides a platform for horse owners to explore new horizons and find effective solutions to enhance their horse's overall well-being.
Whether you're dealing with mysterious lameness, behavioral and training issues, issues, saddle fit, hoof balance, or high vet bills, the Holistic Horseworks Talks podcast is an invaluable resource for horse owners everywhere.
Tune in to embark on a journey of discovery, learning, and empowerment as you navigate the world of holistic horse care. Let April Love's wisdom and stories guide you toward a deeper understanding of your horse's unique health needs and a more fulfilling partnership with your equine companion.
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Holistic Horseworks Talks with April Love
What is in your horse's water, would you want to drink it?
What’s in the water that your horse is drinking?
I've been doing distance readings. People send me in left and right picture of their horse name, age goals and any specific issues and I give them like a seven page report back on what's really going on with their horse.
Seven or eight years ago, water source was not an issue and in the past three years, it's coming up to be 90 and 95% of all the distance readings I'm doing. It’s heavy metals, high iron, high calcium, etc.
People don't think about that but it really affects the horse and it throws off how they can assimilate nutrition. So the really important thing when we're hydrating ourselves is to have pure water without other things in it.
So it's really important in our toxic world, that the horses are getting more pure water. So high calcium water is going to create excessive arthritis in your horse. And also the enteroliths, the stones that grow in the intestines which is calcium surrounding a foreign object like a piece of plastic or baling twine they ingested. The body keeps surrounding it with that calcium until you have a big stone and a mysterious colic. So if they're not having to take in all those toxins every day they can flush their cells and detox easier.
So when the horses are toxic, and we do the readings we always recommend the Nano Zeolites like NCD or ACZ that you can find on Amazon. and we usually do 10 to 15 drops two times a day for horses for about 20 days. And for people you can do about eight to 10 drops or three to four sprays in your mouth, three or four times a day, it pulls out the mercury in the aluminum.
So it's all about what we are, is what we drink. You'll notice a huge change in your horses once you start filtering their drinking water. Learn more on my website, holistichorseworks.com and yoga for horses, and 140 other helpful YouTube videos on my YouTube channel, holistichorseworks.com and also my free e-book, HorseAcademy 101.com.
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Thanks for listening!
Lillian: Hi, this is Lillian. I'm here with April from holistic horse works. We had a question from a listener. He did a distance reading with his horse. And they came up that the water was a problem. What was up with that?
April: So I've been doing distance readings people send me in left and right picture of their horse name, age goals and any specific issues and I give them like a seven page report back on what's really going on with their horse. And seven, eight years ago, water source was not an issue and in the past three years, it's coming up to be 90 and 95% of all the distance readings I'm doing and a lot of that is just heavy metals, high iron, high calcium.
People don't think about that but it really affects the horse and it throws off how they can assimilate nutrition. You know being on a water softener is really bad for the horse that's high sodium with people in the house that's on it you might have high blood pressure. So the really important thing when we're hydrating ourselves is to have pure water without other things in it.
People that are on wells are finding that that you have to bleach their well once a year and they don't know they're supposed to be doing that. Just pull out the pump or opening it up and putting a gallon of bleach down into well overnight don't use the water and then open all the spigots in the house and you know, horse hoses out onto the ground, to flush all that out. There's also bacteria in the hose is going into the horse's water.
So it's really important in our toxic world, the chem trails and herbicides and pesticides, that the horses are getting more pure water. So high calcium water is gonna create excessive arthritis in your horse you know knees, hocks, side bone ringbone, same thing with you. And also the enteroliths, the stones that grow in the intestines which is calcium surrounding a foreign object like a piece of plastic or baling twine, they ingested and the body keeps surrounding it with that calcium until you have a big stone and a mysterious colic. So if they're not having to take in all those toxins every day they can flush their cells and detox easier.
So when the horses are toxic, and we do the readings we always recommend the Nano Zeolites has to be liquid particles of zeolites, like NCD or ACZ (Apple Charlie's zebra nano) and you can find both of those on Amazon and we usually do 10 to 15 drops two times a day for horses for about 20 days. And for people you can do about eight to 10 drops or three to four sprays in your mouth, three or four times a day, it pulls out the mercury in the aluminum that creates the Alzheimers and the brain fog. People notice as soon as they detox, “ Oh, my short-term memory’s back. And vision gets better. It's helped people with Crohn's and colitis. So if it can help people with that, imagine what it can do for the horse's intestinal system, and mysterious colics and blockages.
I've also noticed, especially when traveling and I did 2000 miles of endurance with my horse, you know, horses will smell the water, it smells funny or tastes funny, they won't drink as much as they should, especially when you go to horse shows. So a lot of my clients will bring their own either filtered water, which is kind of a pain to carry. Or you get the little filter that goes on the motor home hose. And they bring that to the fairs and the horse things with them to filter the water that their horses going to drink at the event. And they noticed that their horses drink more. So now are telling people to do that on their home systems. Just it's like $5 or $8 for one of those little screwed into a hose. You know, if you have a big water stock tank, you can go get at Ace Hardware, a little PCV pipe that you can attach to the end that has threads, you know, so at least goes through that filter system. You'll notice that the hooves are better, the coatsare better, their eyes are more clear if they're not taking in all these toxins.
So it's all about what we are is what we drink. When it comes to the pets in your house, and you see the dogs with the tumors and the weepy eyes, and I look at the owner and they're filtering, their drinking water, but then they're giving their pet water from the tap. So when I'm working with a lot of pets, owners on their cats and dogs health and like you need to filter their water as well.
You know city water's got fluoride and calcium and all these things in it and they say it's acceptable levels. But what's your definition of acceptable versus mine? Mine is I want pure clean water going into myself without any extra chemicals or minerals, so I can choose what I need daily.
So if you go on Amazon, you can order those, put on a hose water filters, you can get them at Kmart target, start filtering, or even just have like a garbage can Size tab and put that on one hose and see what your horse is choose to drink. If you have ditch water that's got herbicides, pesticides, opossum, poop, and all kinds of virus and deer and fecal poop coming downstream. And, you know, ditch water and ponds and all those things for horses to drink out of are more toxic nowadays than they were 20 years ago. So if you can at least offer your pets and you, of course, and your horse filtered water and see what they choose.
You know colic is usually in impaction. In so especially in winter, you'll see more colics because the water got cold, cold water hurts their teeth. And so they're not drinking as much as they should. So I always tell people in the wintertime to try and do a warm wet mash once a day with beet pulp and soak the pellets to get more water with a pinch of salt up to a teaspoon of salt going through their system to keep things moving in the winter. When they're not running and bucking and playing and moving everything, they're not drinking enough water. Because, you know it freezes over at night.
So you might have to wrap the hose and you might have to wrap that filter and some insulation in the winter so it doesn't freeze solid. But you'll notice a huge change in your horses once you start filtering their drinking water. And that's just been coming up in all my distance readings, which you can find on my website, holistichorseworks.com and yoga for horses, and 140 other helpful YouTube videos on my YouTube channel, holistichorseworks.com and also my free e-book, HorseAcademy 101.com.
So I hope this helps.